Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 3 - Breakfast & Lunch (Leftovers)

Breakfast - Breakfast Meatloaf and Eggs

Lunch - Mason Jar Salad with Rotisserie Chicken

Last night I had to eat a little watermelon, I was having some serious carb withdrawals; headache, irritability, brain fog. I felt much better after eating the watermelon. I read that the first 3 days are the hardest and that most withdrawal issues are nonexistent after 3 weeks. I've also noticed that I feel dehydrated so much quicker, for me I have to really need to drink more water since I'm still breastfeeding.

I've started reading Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis Here's the synopsis from the book:

Wheat Belly was the original book that turned the nutritional world topsy-turvy and exposed “healthy whole grains” as the genetically altered Franken wheat imposed on the public by agri-cultural geneticists and agribusiness. The tidal wave of astounding health and weight loss successes, many of them recounted in Wheat Belly social media, has created a nationwide movement away from the destructive effects of wheat products.
  • Removing products made with modern wheat yields astounding and often unexpected benefits in health and weight loss.
  • Autoimmune, gastrointestinal, and mind effects top the list for conditions that improve or reverse with wheat elimination.
  • Weight loss can occur at a surprising rate, typically 15-18 pounds over the first month, when wheat is eliminated.

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